Old Man Dong Ding
Over time oolong production has moved more and more towards lighter, greener less-oxidized and/or roasted tea. Oolong has always meant semi-oxidized tea, but the range of oxidation was much more narrow in the olden days. As Master Tsai Yizhe traveled to Dong Ding to get his different organic teas each year, he would sometimes drink tea with the old, retired grandfather that lived on the farm, Master Su. All the tea production has since been handed over to his son. Every time they shared tea, Master Tsai noticed that the oolong was very different than what he was buying. After getting to know the old man better, Master Tsai inquired about this tea. The old man admitted that though their farm was producing a relatively traditional Dong Ding oolong compared to what is available in the market nowadays, with more oxidation and roast, it was still not “traditional” enough for him. He liked his tea as it had been made long ago when he was young. After a few years and more rapport, Master Tsai asked if he could commission some of the tea the old man was enjoying, since he too preferred the taste of tradition. The farmers agreed and “Old Man Dong Ding” was born. This beautiful tea is now a part of Master Tsai’s Tea Mountain Preservation Society. It is a wonderful traditional Taiwan oolong—great for drinking or aging.