Purple Sky
The original Purple Sky cakes are the famous 8582 and 8592 cakes. This replica was made in 1999 or 2000 and has undergone wet storage. This is a great chance for us all to taste some wet-stored tea. “Wet storage” is the modern way of discussing traditional storage, or what was just “puerh storage” back in the day. All tea was wet-stored, in other words. Wet storage simply means that it was stored in a place or area with more humidity. But that is relative, so you have to wonder more humidity than where…
These replicas were common in the late 1990s and early 2000s. As the prices of older teas began to skyrocket and as more people appreciated what made them special, businessmen wanted to cash in on the reputation of such famous cakes while puerh lovers wanted to commemorate their favorite cakes of yesteryear and try their hands at similar blends.
Purple Sky is dark and earthy, with a rich and bold flavor that is great to drink now and also a wonderful candidate for aging.
Each cake is approximately 357 grams.