Empty Glen
Empty Glen is sheng puerh maocha from Jinggu. The Jinggu tea growing area is located in the central-western part of Puerh Prefecture. Its primary inhabitants are of Dai and Yi ethnicities. It covers a total area of 7,550 km2. Jinggu has a long history. It was already inhabited by humans 3 to 4000 years ago. It was also a prefecture location during feudal dynastic times. On June 11, 1985, the Jinggu Dai and Yi Autonomous County was established. It fell under the jurisdiction of Simao Prefecture. Empty Glen is a beautiful fresh sheng puerh from very old trees. The liquor is bold and bright with a strong and smooth Qi. It is grown at a very high altitude (around 2,500 meters above sea level), which means it has an uplifting energy not common amongst most puerh teas. It is also cooling in nature as a result—perfect for summer.
Each bag is 100 grams.