These spring 2020 cakes are from ancient trees in Feng Qing, Yunnan. Each tree is numbered and requires scaffolding to pick. They use bamboo scaffolding that resembles what workers in the West use to paint the outside of a house. The trees are protected, so very little tea is harvested each year and the trees are allowed to rest from three to five years, picked in cycles. The absolute best trees are processed individually, which is also rare for puerh.
Blessing, comes from a different garden than High Road on a different slope, facing different sun. This is a great chance to taste the difference between different old trees, in a different area of the same region. If you enjoyed the High Road, you will also love Blessing and love tasting the differences as well.
We don’t recommend aging Blessing. It is too delicious. Drink it while it is fresh and save other teas for the long term! It is rare to find a young sheng that is so good now!
Each cake is 100 grams.