Heavenly Rhyme
Heavenly Rhyme is an incredible 2007 cake from old-growth wild trees in Bulang. Back in the day, sheng puerh was all aged. No one was drinking young sheng, and the only criteria for evaluating sheng puerh were based on its “ageability”—was it a good candidate for long-term aging, in other words. There are a lot of great reasons to drink a sheng puerh young, and the industry has shifted its processing to suit the fact that more and more people are drinking their tea young. This is a classic “ageable” sheng puerh—created by a old-time puerh lover to be the perfect cake to age long term. It is strong, with a bitterness that transforms, a thick liquor and incredibly vibrant and bold Qi. We say a tea “rhymes” when all the elements of the mouthfeel are in perfect balance. In effect, it rhymes with our bodies and spirits. And this tea does so in a Heavenly way. You can enjoy this tea now; it is bold and beautiful—bold as love. But if you are looking for a modern cake to age, it will be hard to find a better candidate.