This amazing handmade Qian Liang tea is from the Bai Sha Xi Tea Factory in Anhua, Hunan. These beautiful cakes are best boiled, but can also be served gongfu style. You can, of course, age the cakes for some years, or, drink some now and age the rest.Each cake was cut by hand, so the weights differ tremendously. This also has to do with striations in the sides of the tower and the density of compression, which is different throughout each tall tower. If you look at the pictures throughout the magazine, you can see that there is a kind of warp and woof to the towers, caused by the large planks the workers use to roll and press each one by hand. This means that the tea is thinner and slightly less dense in some areas than others. Also, since the cakes are sawed by hand, the thickness is not exact (though very close). Despite the variance in weight, this is still a great deal considering how much tea you get (around double the average full-size puerh cake!). If you do not want to get a whole cake we have the option of a 150 gram bag to try.