Stonehenge is a rare example of a mid-2000s cake from a big factory that is made from clean raw materials without agro-chemicals. It is a 2005 or 2006 brick from Chang Tai Factory (昌泰茶廠). It lands solidly in what we call the “daily drinker” category. Everyone needs steady, sure daily drinkers. Stonehenge was piled a bit on the heavy side, so it is not a great candidate for long-term storage. It has already mellowed out, which means that the piling flavors have decreased and the tea has become smoother and cleaner on the palate with a nicer aftertaste. Daily drinkers can provide a very nice and solid baseline for evaluating shou puerh tea. They provide a baseline from which we can compare other, better teas. Stonehenge is clean, smooth and very thick. These are all important when it comes to shou puerh.
Each cake is approximately 250 grams.