White Tiger Crouching
White Tiger Crouching is a seasonal blend of Ruby Red tea (Taiwan #18) blended with the right amount of schizandra berries, cinnamon twigs, wild lily bulbs, ophiopgon tuber and Asian pear to promote health, longevity and harmony with the seasons. It is a wonderful blend for autumn.
You can drink this blend every day throughout the autumn. We recommend using a pot on the larger side and decanting the liquor quickly, as you would with ordinary tea. A glass kettle is also a wonderful option for steeping this tea as it will allow you to appreciate the beautiful colors of the herbs and tea inside. Be mindful of the teaware you use as the herbs also have a strong flavor. If you use the same pot that you use to brew tea, you want to be sure to remove the blend immediately after the session is over. Unlike the previous seasons, for this blend hot water is ideal. You can treat this just like a red tea.
We will be individually packaging each session of this herb and tea blend. If we put it all into a single bag, it would be difficult to make sure you got all of the herbs in the right amount in each brew. We will use fully compostable packets for each of the herbs. Dave and Wu De have experimented in depth to achieve the right amount of herbs and tea in each packet.
Each box comes with ten compostable packets, which should last for most of autumn, depending on how often you drink them. If you choose the herbal subscription you will receive the correct herbal blend each season and the quantity can be adjusted at any time.