Dawn is made from Four Seasons Spring (Si Ji Chun) varietal. It was made by Mr. Xie Yuan Zai, who has made many of our teas over the years and is one of our teachers (You can read more about him on our farmers page and in the magazine.) Dawn comes from bug-bitten, “honey-fragrance (mi xiang)” red. The tea was withered for a long time, rolled for a long time and then piled once more before roasting it dry. The long withering ensures the deep oxidation needed for making red tea. It is deep, dark and extremely fragrant. The grinding brings out a lot of the flavors and fragrances, making this tea a powerful drink and wonderful for cooking with. (There are a lot of wonderful desserts you can make with Dawn, some of which we shared in the January 2019 issue of the magazine.)
Each tin is 150 grams.